Open Call Authors
We are thrilled to venture into our first round of print publications with authors selected during our open call last year. 2022 will see the release of full-length books by debut and established authors from Egypt, Brazil, Lebanon, and the United States. We are grateful for our authors’ trust and eager to bring these exciting works to life and into the world.

Venture into Cairo’s uncanny corners riddled with specters of failed revolution in internationally acclaimed Egyptian author Youssef Rakha’s collection of short stories, A Short History of Atheism.

Journey with a colorful cast of characters from Chantal Akerman, to Wittgenstein and Anne Carson in Lucas Ferraço Nassif’s queer, inquisitive cine-poem, Missing Links, A Book in Ten Sessions.

Prepare to laugh out loud and weep into your sleeve with Theresa Sahyoun’s insightful, irreverent, and painfully relatable bildungsroman, A Happy People.

And marvel at the phenomenological probing of the contemporary human condition in Phoebe Rhinehart's arresting collection of poems, Pathways to Improper Understanding.